In June, we reviewed the MJSI HydroRight Dual Flush converter, and discussed the principles of toilet technology. Amazon has some good deals on two pieces of MJSI technology. One is, of course, the Dual Flush Converter. The other is the HydroClean Water-Saving toilet Fill Valve.
So, we already know that the HydroRight Dual Flush converter is a drop-in converter to turn your toilet into a water-saving dual flush. Of course, you need a concentric-float toilet fill valve, and that is where the HydroClean valve comes in as a perfect pair to the HydroRight.
The water-saving advantages of the HyroClean are that it is adjustable, and allows you to not waste water in your flush, so even if you are reluctant to go Dual Flush, this will limit wasted water per flush. It even has a cleaning tube to clean the gunk off the bottom of your tank.
We’re thinking of pairing this with our HydroRight in order to improve water efficiency, as we still think we are wasting water on our toilet. Best of all, it is not an expensive improvement.
And it is now legal in New York City, as we discovered it wasn’t when we originally installed it.
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